events and entertainment consultants Berlin


News and curio blog by Lucian McGuiness

Now: Scotch and Soda - Berlin

#scotchandsodashow by Company 2 is currently in preview in the beautiful Chamäleon Theater in Berlin... we've added new music and acts to the show to accommodate a longer show, and we're currently running it in before the official opening coming up on March 16th.

It has been a pleasure being able to write more music and add new instruments for this show - approaching 20 in total. The Uncanny Carnival Band is killing it right now, I'm a very lucky man to be able to play with Ben Hendry, Chris O'Dea, and Matt & Eden Ottignon every night. Lessons every night! Everyone in Company 2 is working really hard to make the new longer show especially good for the Berlin season.
Already we've been playing to sold-out weekend previews so we're looking forward to a busy run. The show runs until late August 2017 so if you're nearby you can book tickets at the Chamäleon here. Circus Company 2 is on fb. #MDloosemacg #composer